--- /dev/null
+This documents the previous 'dusk' scripting system. It is a
+pre-cursor to being able to replace it with JavaScript so I know what
+to impelement. i.e. a requirements specification plus some notes.
+Most of the global scripts are very simple and define global game
+policies. Some need to run very often.
+It is quite possible they could be removed - either provide fixed game policies,
+or converted into Java and loaded at runtime.
+Certain game state is tracked by changing tiles! I think this
+facility should be removed entirely and alternative mechanisms
+This section documents where scripts are used and their arguments.
+Each script is defined as:
+ parametername=what
+ .
+where it's used in the example game/engine
+what it's for (for tests)
+Global per-game scripts
+Run once when the game is booted for the first time.
+This is executed a lot so should be fast. Candidate for implementing in java instead.
+ seeing=thing that is looking
+ seen=thing trying to be seen
+Tests to see if one thing can see another thing.
+Used to update the player map if a thing moves into the viewport
+Used to search for items a thing can interact with
+Implements global visibility
+This is executed a lot so should be fast. Candidate for implementing in java instead.
+ moving=thing that is moving
+ blocking=thing on target location
+Tests to see if one thing can move over another thing.
+Used to test whether a thing can move to a location (moveto).
+Implements whether mobs and pets can be moved on (if they're moving or not).
+Candiate for implementing in java, and if so replacing some of the fixed game
+policy already provided by the game.
+ attacking=thing doing the attacking
+ attacked=thing being attacked
+Tests whether one thing can attack another.
+Used to test whether a new battle is allowed to commence.
+Dissallows attacks on safe players.
+New commands can be added as scripts. These are callable by the user directly.
+The arguments are split using shell-like rules and passed to the
+script using numbered values. An array could be used in javascript.
+ trigger=thing
+ param0=arg0
+ param1=arg1
+ etc.
+Used to implement custom emotes/communication.
+Used to implement custom attacks and fatalities.
+Used to implement custom interactivity like betting or banks.
+Used to implement custom teleports/etc.
+Used to implement custom map editing.
+i.e. used to implement most of the command-line game.
+Scripts for thing
+ trigger=thing
+Executed whenever a new player object enters the game after they have
+been successfully logged in/created.
+It implements the login issue notice.
+It is currently executed before the player is loaded but would
+probably more useful afterwards.
+This only implements part of the game policy on dying. It could possibly
+also implement the gp/exp loss mechanic (battle mode is different).
+It also implements all the per-item death logic - this should be moved
+to per-item scripts.
+ trigger=thing that died
+ killer=thing that killed it (if from battle)
+Executed when a player dies from battle or is killed by a script.
+Implements tracking of items which cannot leave the game.
+Implements a bunch of game policy on conditions.
+Implements game policy on clans.
+Quests and items should probably be tracked separately and this
+reserved for the goodbye message.
+ trigger=thing logging out
+Executed when a player logs out normally from the game.
+Implements tracking of items which cannot leave the game.
+Implements resetting of certain quests.
+Only used for mobs. The script to run is defined by the mob file
+(finally, some indirection!)
+ trigger=mob
+Executed when a mob attacks an enemy.
+Implements mob ai.
+Scripts for Conditions
+Setting a condition when it is already present removes the old one first and triggers
+the appropriate conditions.
+scripts/[condition.onstart value]
+ trigger=thing with condition
+ condition=name of condition
+Executed when a condition is added to a thing.
+scripts/[condition.onoccurance value]
+ trigger=thing with condition
+ condition=name of condition
+Executed while a condition is active, based on the condition
+scripts/[condition.onoccurance value]
+ trigger=thing with condition
+ condition=name of condition
+Executed when a condition is removed.
+Executed when a condition duration is exceeded.
+Scripts for Items
+Rather than the item name, the item could be used from javascript. Perhaps.
+scripts/[item.onget value]
+ trigger=thing that received item
+ itemname=item received
+ mod=item mod
+Executed when a player gives an item to another (the receiver).
+Executed when a player receives battle winnings.
+Executed when a player takes an item.
+scripts/[item.ondrop value]
+ trigger=thing that lost item
+ itemname=item received
+ mod=item mod
+Executed when a player gives an item to another (the giver).
+Executed when a player sells an item.
+Executed when a player drops an item.
+Executed when a playermerchant sells an item.
+scripts/[item.onuse value]
+ trigger=thing that received item
+ itemname=item received
+ mod=item mod
+Executed after an item is used.
+Implements eat, drink, use commands.
+scripts/[item.onwear value]
+ trigger=thing that received item
+ itemname=item received
+ mod=item mod
+Executed after an item is worn.
+scripts/[item.onunwear value]
+ trigger=thing that received item
+ itemname=item received
+ mod=item mod
+Executed after an item is unworn.
+Scripts for Location
+In general these are unwiledy, every location can have a single script
+associated to it by location, it makes editing maps difficult.
+Probably each location could have a property which defined what script
+to run, if any. And allow for hard-coded constants true/false.
+Below, X_Y is the x/y location of interest in decimal integers.
+ trigger=thing to move
+Executed to test if a thing can move onto a location. Executed before
+Implements movable game area tweaks beyond tiles.
+Implements invisible barriers.
+Implements insubstantial barriers.
+ trigger=thing looking
+Executed during line-of-sight testing before the per-tile TileCanSee script.
+Used to find things visible to player and player client
+Used to find things visible to mob ai (for attacking)
+ trigger=thing moved
+Executed after a thing moves onto a given location. Executed after
+TileAction script (why after?)
+Used to implement quests
+Used to implement doorways
+Basically used to implement most of the game.
+Scripts for Tiles
+In general the tile scripting mechanism is unwieldy. Each tile has
+it's own script, although most are either simply true or false.
+A level of indirection should be added so that tiles instead indicate
+which script to run, with true/false being short-cuts for efficiency reasons.
+Below, N is the id of the tile on the map.
+ trigger=thing moving
+Executed to test if a thing can move onto a given tile. Executed
+immediately after CanMoveThroughLivingThing.
+Implements movable game area.
+Implements motion triggered actions for quests and so on.
+ trigger=thing looking
+Executed during line-of-sight testing after the per-location
+LocationCanSee script.
+Used to find things visible to player and player client
+Used to find things visible to mob ai (for attacking)
+ trigger=thing moved
+Executed after an item moves onto a given tile. Executed before
+LocationAction script.
+Implements per-tile sounds but nothing else.
+Spells are linked in a strange way, I'm sure it made sense to someone
+at the time, but it seems more complex than it needs to be. It seems
+to be a way to distribute the spell abilities across the 100% of skill
+I think the same can be implemented by simply having the spell itself,
+and a spell group which lists the spells in the group. No need for
+the third file.
+Defines the "group" which the spell belongs to and the name of the spell
+as per the user.
+Contains a list of spell-name values, in order of caster level in that
+group. The skill level of the given spell group is a percentage value
+which defines the caster level.
+defSpellGroups/N spell-group-name
+ caster=thing casting
+ param0=...
+Defines the actuall spell script for spell-name at index position N.
+Spells may have arguments.
+Grammar and syntax
+Essentially every script is a function. The basic although not strict
+grammar is:
+script := command
+ | variable;
+command := name
+ | name args;
+args := script
+ | args script;
+Each command does it's own parsing so determines the argument count.
+This means expressions are implemented in prefix notation, e.g.
+equals: = var1 var2
+"!" "not" expr
+ Logical not of expr
+"if" expr
+ If not expr, then skip to the next end.
+ Marker for if
+"(" ")"
+ Grouping expressions
+"t" "true"
+"f" "false"
+ Constants.
+"playsound" soundid x y
+ Play sound around locality x/y
+"order" thing what
+ run command as another thing
+"hascondition" thing condition
+"addcondition" thing condition
+"addconditionwithduration" thing condition duration
+"removecondition" thing condition
+ Condition management. Conditions are per-user state, usually
+ displayed to the user. Scripts can also abuse them and use them as a
+ sort of hidden state management. Rather just make that explicit.
+"addflag" thing flag
+"hasflag" thing flag
+"removeflag" thing flag
+ "livingthing"
+ "number"
+ "string"
+Set a global varialbe of the type? Doesn't appear used.
+"livingthing" name func
+ sets thing variable name to func
+"number" name what
+ set number variable name to func
+"string" name what
+ set string variable name to what
+"or" func func
+"and" func func
+"<" func func
+">" func func
+"=" func func
+ binary logical and comparison operations
+"isinbattle" thing
+"isclan" thing clan
+"israce" thing race
+"hasitem" thing item
+"iswearing" thing what
+ thing attribute testing
+"isplayer" thig
+"ispet" thing
+"ismob" thing
+ thing type testing
+"createmob" type x y
+ Create a new mob instance. Unused in demo game.
+"createoneusemob" type x y
+ Create a new mob instance.
+"createitem" type x y
+ Create a new item. Unused in demo game.
+"giveitem" thing what
+ what can be "number.name" or just "name". The number version
+ doesn't appear used.
+"removeitem" thing what
+ Remove an item from a thing
+"unwear" thing what
+ Remove something
+ "global"
+ "global"
+ "global"
+ type testing - only 'variableisstring' is implemented and it's just
+ used for argument testing
+"chat" thing what
+"chatc" thing red green blue what
+ send chat messages to thing, one line at a time.
+"inc" thing field [field args]
+ Add a value to the given field
+ fields are:
+ "hp" delta
+ "maxhp" delta
+ "hpbonus" delta
+ "mp" delta
+ "maxmp" delta
+ "mpbonus" delta
+ "damdone" delta
+ "strength" delta
+ "intelligence" delta
+ "dexterity" delta
+ "wisdom" delta
+ "constitution" delta
+ "strengthbonus" delta
+ "intelligencebonus" delta
+ "dexteritybonus" delta
+ "wisdombonus" delta
+ "constitutionbonus" delta
+ "acbonus" delta
+ "dammodbonus" delta
+ "locx" delta
+ "locy" delta
+ "locxy" deltax deltay
+ "exp" delta
+ "cash" delta
+ "skill" name delta
+"set" thing field [field args]
+ Set the field to a specific value.
+ "hp" value
+ "maxhp" value
+ "hpbonus" value
+ "mp" value
+ "maxmp" value
+ "mpbonus" value
+ "damdone" value
+ "strength" value
+ "intelligence" value
+ "dexterity" value
+ "wisdom" value
+ "constitution" value
+ "strengthbonus" value
+ "intelligencebonus" value
+ "dexteritybonus" value
+ "wisdombonus" value
+ "constitutionbonus" value
+ "acbonus" value
+ "dammodbonus" value
+ "locx" value
+ "locy" value
+ "locxy" valuex valuey
+ "exp" value
+ "cash" value
+ "skill" name value
+"changeTile" x y tile
+ Change the tileid at location xy.
+"strequals" a b
+ case-insensitive string comparison
+"input" thing variable
+ retrieve a line of input from user and set variable to it. Unused
+ in example game.
+"checkviewable" thing
+ Appears to force a reset to the client for the thing. Not used in
+ example game, wont be needed.
+"log" thing what
+ dump something to game log, formatted with 'thing' identity
+"gecho" what
+ send a message to all players. Unused in example game.
+ terminate
+ unused
+"kill" thing reason
+ Kills someone, and if it is a player takes some cash/exp from them if
+ it is set on the game (inside the script engine ...). If it is a
+ player it also runs the game.onDeath script.
+ Stops the command being run by the main engine. i.e. allows a
+ script to override a built-in. unused.
+"clanleader" thing clan
+ Put someonein a clan and set their privs to 1. unused.
+"changeclan" thing clan
+ Set the clan
+ Clear last output time to avoid flooding control in script.
+ unused/dangerous.
+ Send a message to battle chat window. unused.