my $vk = new vulkan($sys);
my $api = $vk->buildFeatures(
- [ 'VK_VERSION_1_0', 'VK_VERSION_1_1', 'VK_VERSION_1_2' ],
+ [ 'VK_VERSION_1_0', 'VK_VERSION_1_1', 'VK_VERSION_1_2', 'VK_VERSION_1_3' ],
[ 'xlib',
'xcb' ]);
my $templates = $structTypes->{templates};
foreach my $k (keys %defaultTemplate) {
- print "what?: ".Dumper($overrides->{$k}->{template}) if defined($overrides->{$k}) && defined($overrides->{$k}->{template});
next if defined($overrides->{$k}) && defined($overrides->{$k}->{template});
my $t = $defaultTemplate{$k};
open(my $f, '>', '');
print $f Dumper($api);
close $f;
- die;
+ print "Dumped\n";
+ exit 1;
if (0) {
push @constants, "";
push @constants, "// $s->{name} $type";
+ my $index = {};
+ map { $index->{$_->{name}} = $_ } (@{$s->{items}});
foreach my $m (@{$s->{items}}) {
next if defined($m->{alias});
next if $seen->{$m->{name}}++;
die Dumper("Ca't work out value", $m, $s) if !defined($v);
push @constants, "public final static $i->{type} $m->{name} = $v$i->{suffix};";
+ foreach my $m (@{$s->{items}}) {
+ next if !defined($m->{alias});
+ next if $seen->{$m->{name}}++;
+ next if !defined($index->{$m->{alias}});
+ push @constants, "public final static $i->{type} $m->{name} = $m->{alias};";
+ }
my $v = {
$m->{baseType} = $t->{name};
- if ($t->{category} =~ m/enum|bitmask/on) {
+ if ($t->{category} eq 'enum') {
$t = $vk->{data}->{$t->{fullType}};
$type = $t->{type} if ($nstar == 0);
$type = "$t->{type}*" if ($nstar == 1);
map { $base->{$_} = 1 } values %$seen;
foreach my $k (sort keys %$base) {
- print "$k\n";
+ print " $k\n";
+ # Link up bitmask base types
+ foreach my $s (grep { $_->{category} eq 'enum' } values %{$data}) {
+ if ($s->{requires}) {
+ my $t = $data->{$s->{requires}};
+ die Dumper($s) if !defined $t;
+ die Dumper($s) if !defined $s->{fullType};
+ $t->{uses} = $s;
+ $t->{fullType} = $s->{fullType};
+ } elsif ($s->{bitvalues}) {
+ my $t = $data->{$s->{bitvalues}};
+ die Dumper($s) if !defined $t;
+ die Dumper($s) if !defined $s->{fullType};
+ $t->{uses} = $s;
+ $t->{fullType} = $s->{fullType};
+ } elsif (!defined $s->{fullType}) {
+ $s->{fullType} = 'VkFlags';
+ }
+ }
my $outconst = $data->{'API Constants'};
my $allconst = $vk->{data}->{'API Constants'};
- # add a couple of constants that the api's dont reference
- push @{$outconst->{items}}, grep { $_->{name} =~ m/VK_UUID_SIZE/ } @{$allconst->{items}};
# Find included types in this requirement
foreach my $c (@{$req->{commands}}, @{$req->{types}}) {
my $d = $vk->{data}->{$c};
if (defined $d) {
- if ($d->{category} eq 'enum' && !defined($d->{alias})) {
+ # for format change?
+ if ($d->{category} eq 'enum') {
+ # Copy all aliases across to data
+ while ($d->{alias}) {
+ $data->{$d->{name}} = $d;
+ $d = $vk->{data}->{$d->{alias}};
+ }
$d = { %$d };
$d->{items} = [ @{$d->{items}} ] if defined($d->{items});
+ $data->{$d->{name}} = $d;
+ } else {
+ $data->{$d->{name}} = $d;
- $data->{$c} = $d;
} else {
$data->{$c} = {
name => $c,
push @{$d->{items}}, $c;
} elsif ($c->{value}) {
if ($c->{value} =~ m/^"/) {
- push @{$outconst->{items}}, { %$c, type=>'const char *' };
+ if (!defined $outconst->{index}->{$c->{name}}) {
+ my $v = { %$c, type=>'const char *' };
+ push @{$outconst->{items}}, $v;
+ $outconst->{index}->{$v->{name}} = $v;
+ }
} else {
- push @{$outconst->{items}}, { %$c, type=>'uint32_t' };
+ if (!defined $outconst->{index}->{$c->{name}}) {
+ my $v = { %$c, type=>'uint32_t' };
+ push @{$outconst->{items}}, $v;
+ $outconst->{index}->{$v->{name}} = $v;
+ }
} elsif (!$c->{alias}) {
- my @list = grep { $_->{name} eq $c->{name} } @{$allconst->{items}};
- die "Can't find constant '$c->{name}'".Dumper($c) if ($#list < 0);
- push @{$outconst->{items}}, @list;
+ if (!defined $outconst->{index}->{$c->{name}}) {
+ my $v = $allconst->{index}->{$c->{name}};
+ die Dumper($c) if !defined $v;
+ push @{$outconst->{items}}, $v;
+ $outconst->{index}->{$c->{name}} = $v;
+ }
+# Ideally this builds a 'view' of the features
+# But it doesn't work properly if something is promoted and uses new names
sub buildFeatures {
my $vk = shift;
my $vers = shift;
#print Dumper($vk->{features});
$data->{'API Constants'} = {
+ name => 'API Constants',
category => 'define',
items => [],
+ index => {},
+ # add constants that the api's dont reference (only 1 so far)
+ my $outconst = $data->{'API Constants'};
+ my $allconst = $vk->{data}->{'API Constants'};
+ foreach my $v (map {$allconst->{index}->{$_}} qw(VK_UUID_SIZE)) {
+ push @{$outconst->{items}}, $v;
+ $outconst->{index}->{$v->{name}} = $v;
+ }
foreach my $feature (grep { $versions->{$_->{name}} } @{$vk->{features}}) {
print "Feature $feature->{name}\n" if ($vk->{sys}->{verbose});
foreach my $req (@{$feature->{require}}) {
my $types = {};
my $commands = {};
my $enums = {};
- my $bitmasks = {};
my $funcpointers = {};
my $defines = {};
$types->{$v->{name}} = $v if $v->{category} =~ m/struct|union/on;
$commands->{$v->{name}} = $v if $v->{category} eq 'command';
$enums->{$v->{name}} = $v if $v->{category} eq 'enum';
- $bitmasks->{$v->{name}} = $v if $v->{category} eq 'bitmask';
$funcpointers->{$v->{name}} = $v if $v->{category} eq 'funcpointer';
$defines->{$v->{name}} = $v if $v->{category} eq 'define';
- # link enums to their type(s)
- foreach my $s (values %$bitmasks) {
- my $t;
+ if (1) {
+ open(my $f, '>', '');
+ print $f Dumper($data);
+ close $f;
- if ($s->{requires}) {
- $t = $data->{$s->{requires}};
- while ($t && $t->{alias}) {
- $t = $data->{$t->{alias}};
- }
- die if !defined($t);
- $t->{uses} = $s;
- $t->{fullType} = $s->{baseType};
- } elsif ($s->{name} =~ m/(.*)Flags([0-9A-Z]*)/o && defined $data->{"$1FlagBits$2"}) {
- print "> $s->{name} $1FlagBits$2\n";
- $t = $data->{"$1FlagBits$2"};
- while ($t && $t->{alias}) {
- $t = $data->{$t->{alias}};
- }
- die if !defined($t);
- $t->{uses} = $s;
- $t->{fullType} = $s->{baseType};
- } else {
- $t->{fullType} = 'VkFlags';
- }
- }
- foreach my $s (values %$enums) {
- $s->{fullType} = 'VkFlags' if !defined $s->{fullType};
+ open(my $f, '>', '');
+ print $f Dumper($vk);
+ close $f;
my $api = {
commands => $commands,
funcpointers => $funcpointers,
enums => $enums,
- bitmasks => $bitmasks,
defines => $defines,
$s->{name} = $info->{name};
$s->{type} = $info->{baseType} if defined $info->{baseType};
+ $s->{category} = 'enum' if $s->{category} eq 'bitmask';
analyseFunctionPointer($s) if ($s->{category} eq 'funcpointer');
$data->{$s->{name}} = $s;
} else {
+ $ya->{category} = 'enum' if $ya->{category} eq 'bitmask';
$alias->{$ya->{name}} = $ya->{alias};
$data->{$ya->{name}} = $ya;
} elsif ($xt eq 'enums') {
if ($xa->{type} =~ m/enum|bitmask/o) {
+ #print "enum: $xa->{name}\n";
# these are forward referenced from <types> block so re-use, or just overwrite?
my $e = $data->{$xa->{name}};
- $e = { category => "enum", name => $xa->{name} } if (!defined($e));
+ $e = { %{$xa}, category => "enum" } if (!defined($e));
$e->{items} = [];
while ($#{$xn} >= 0) {
push @{$e->{items}}, $ya;
- $data->{$xa->{name}} = $e;
+ $data->{$e->{name}} = $e;
} elsif ($xa->{name} eq 'API Constants') {
my $d = { category => "define", name => $xa->{name}, items =>[], index=>{} };