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Project Description Owner Last Change
libeze Static library of C utility functions 3 months ago
esp-ld2410 Complete driver for HLK LD2410C radar module. 3 months ago
playerz Music player server and indexer. 7 months ago
nativez JNI Binding Library 15 months ago
jjmpeg FFmpeg for Java 17 months ago
zcl Z's OpenCL for Java 17 months ago
compilerz Experiments with antlr and asm. 18 months ago
duskz An iteration of the DuskRPG server and client. 19 months ago
csvedit Basic CSV (tab separated) text file editor using Swing. 23 months ago
vulkanz jdk-foriegn vulkan testbed 2 years ago
panamaz OpenJDK project panama tools 2 years ago
busymon Monitors excessive computer use 2 years ago
workbench-2.0 AmigaOS theme for gtk2, gtk3, and xfwm4 3 years ago
zproto-vulkan Vulkan prototyping and experimentation. 4 years ago
extensionz Simple firefox web-extensions 4 years ago
blogz A dumb C blog engine 4 years ago
dez Delta-Z Binary Diff Library 5 years ago