Module notzed.zcl
Package au.notzed.zcl

Class CLImageDesc


public class CLImageDesc
extends java.lang.Object
Holder for cl_image_desc equivalent.

panama notes

To maintain compatability with the previous api this remains as a simple pojo and marshalling is done as required.

This also means it doesn't have to deal with allocation and deallocation and so on.

  • Field Details

    • imageType

      public int imageType
    • imageWidth

      public long imageWidth
    • imageHeight

      public long imageHeight
    • imageDepth

      public long imageDepth
    • imageArraySize

      public long imageArraySize
    • imageRowPitch

      public long imageRowPitch
    • imageSlicePitch

      public long imageSlicePitch
    • numMipLevels

      public long numMipLevels
    • numSamples

      public long numSamples
    • memObject

      public CLMemory memObject
    • sizeof

      public static final long sizeof
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • CLImageDesc

      public CLImageDesc()
    • CLImageDesc

      public CLImageDesc​(int imageType, long imageWidth, long imageHeight, long imageDepth, long imageArraySize, long imageRowPitch, long imageSlicePitch, long numMipLevels, long numSamples, CLMemory memObject)
  • Method Details

    • create2D

      public static CLImageDesc create2D​(int w, int h)
      Create a 2d image descriptor.
      w -
      h -
    • create2D

      public static CLImageDesc create2D​(int w, int h, int count)
      Create a 2d image array descriptor.
      w -
      h -
      count -
    • toNative

      public static <T extends CLProperty> jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress toNative​(Allocator frame, CLImageDesc d)
    • fromNative

      public static CLImageFormat fromNative​(jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress addr)
    • layout

      public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout layout()